Thursday, August 14, 2008

shifting. find me on msn for my new space.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

the best i could ever have.
nothing i could ever imagine.
whatever i could ever want.

thank you. truly.
happy anniversary.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

i need to stop being a wussy.take control. be the man. stop waiting. do something. i will do it.

Monday, July 21, 2008

i just had the sudden urge to blog. well it has almost been two months already. a whirlwind of mirth and excitement has just gone by.i can't begin to say how satisfied i am within these two months. how i have finally opened my eyes to how things work. and i can't say it in a better way. how i have never been able to see myself clearer, how i understand myself so much. and having set new goals and paved new roads to walk. i find it very fulfilling. of course, the path to these new findings has not been a walk in the park. It has been riddled with ups and downs, and for every new path to uncover a mountain has to be climbed, a river to cross. but it has been worth it. with a new resolve, and slowly grasping a newfound soul, a change is coming around. i. will. do. it. and. i. know. i. will. just you wait, just be patient.

on the other hand, there are of course pressing issues, and some of these issues are overlapping with the mountains and rivers to cross. and one of them is quite a pressing issue, however it is formed on bad timing, and bad opportunity, yet it pains me whenever i see a quiet face, a sad face, a face thinking deep into space trying to find an insight, a resolution to an issue.. try not to think too much.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

well so so so much has happened since the last post.
did i mention anything about ashish's party? well it was just about the best thing to happen in my life. as was the last minute decision to pop by ashish's. well what do you know. good things happen when you least expect them to. definitely the best thing to happen to me in a long time. there's now a pair to the chopsticks, a second to a half. and i am content. i could not have asked for more. as i am sitting here. now's the 9th of july by the way, i think back on the whirlwind that it has been. it has really been such a whirlwind. and the most wonderfun thing happened in my life too. the times i spend are priceless. as she sleeps in her bed, i think about her.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

shit happens alright. shit always happens. It's how you pick up from them which matters the most. tonight was supposed to turn out to be an awesome night. It's actually the first time i'm wearing my blazer other than for concerts. and it had to get it's first puke stain on it. i wonder what my mom will say when i tell her i want it dry-cleaned. the other thing is, even the person i'd least expect to go over the island went far far away into the deep seas. and in the end, it was just two of us left. the other three? left to enjoy their 35 bucks. not that i blame them. like hello it's 35 bucks. anyway that's not the antagonist tonight. so L was feeling moody. she got betrayed by her own blood, and it really is shitty when that happens. so what do you do? drown everything out..

ANOTHER WTFBBQ... there was this lady who worked there, who offered her help. i thought she would be helpful. IT TURNED OUT TO BE A TOTAL DISASTER!! I HAVE NEVER EVER IN MY LIFE SEEN SOMEONE AS DOMINATING AND AS CRAZY AS THAT!! you tried to help us, you managed to wake her up. i respect you for that. But PLEASE.. beyond that, please don't try too hard. DON'T SCREAM IN OUR FACES. NOT EVERYONE OF US ARE AS GONE AS YOU THINK. there are still some of us who know where's the limit and where to draw the line. there are still some of us who care for her. PLEASE JUST STOP THINKING THAT WE WANT TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF HER. LIKE HELLO!! I GOT PUKE ON MY BELOVED BLAZER TRYING TO HELP HER. just stop thinking that we just wanna raper her and stuff... maybe you had a really really bad experience. i feel sorry for you. but please just stop stereotyping every situation into something like that!! like HELLO. alright. if you really think our lives are that sorry, and you want to change it, please just stop. cause our "sorry" state is not really sorry, and that we actually were okay till you came!please. I WOULD NEVER EVER WANT TO HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH HER AGAIN. next time you offer your help, i'll know better than to accept. she's the worst personnel i ever saw. if i could ever complain about her, bring on the paper and pen. i'll write a 10-page report on how you tried to force me to take a cab when i told you that i don't have cash. AND YOU WANT ME TO ASK THE CAB DRIVER TO DRIVE TO A PETROL STATION TO DRAW MONEY!! LIKE HELLO!! I'M NOT GONE ALRIGHT!! I'M COMPLETELY SANE ENOUGH TO SEE THAT THAT IS A REALLY REALLY BAD OPTION!!! so just let me take a cab with NETS so i can just pay the driver properly??? well the cab driver i finally took was a pretty nice and cool person. we talked on the way back.

sorry people if this doesnt make any sense. cause it really doesn't i kinda just copied this off another blog and pasted it here to make my blog interesting alright.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

as sparce my blog posts are. i think recent events are really worth posting. well okay firstly. friday's potential dance meet-up crumbled on the day itself cause chien said she couldn't make it, then stella said she had to leave early and joel had night safari. well the night bloomed into something else totally unexpected... haha.. wisma rooftop, one red bottle, sitting on the roof..... ears and lips and tongues and fingers... well go figure...

sat was long worship prac.. one of the longest i ever had... but there were fun songs.. and i din need to play so much cause i had michelle on second keys to cover me... and sat night was pool with damon. he's damn pro at it. and he taught me some stuff about pool... yup. had to leave earlier cause i had a bike race the next day...

Sun morning was pretty fun. i met ivan at 6 at his house and we both cycled 3 bicycles to st. pats to meet his friend who was also going for safra runway cycling. basically, ivan and i were taking part in an endurance challenge, while his friend in the leisure. that's why she borrowed his mountain bike to cycle. well in the end after breakfast at macs east coast park she decided to take a cab to paya lebar air base cause she decided she would take too long to get there on bike. (vehemently agrees) sorry! haha.. ivan and i went down in about 10 min and we started to race at the back... like wth... there was sooo many ppl... i spent so much energy weaving around the traffic accelerating and slowing down my muscles started to twitch by 2nd lap... well we finished the race lapping alot of ppl.. there were really ppl in bikes of every type. it was quite an experience. then i met my uncle!! damn cool can. he was bumping my back wheel at the drinks stall there and i was wondering. who the f***'s banging my back wheel.. haha.. he recovered so fast! cause he had a bike accident 3 months ago. he fractured his collar bone and 8 ribs, 2 with multiple fractures... and he's cycling already. and he was 2nd or something in the first two laps.. wow.. then i had to rush back home to rush to church for long worship. haha on the way back i was kinda racing with this group of mountain bikers.. they were in konas and scotts but lucky i still had energy left not to disgrace a road bike.. haha.. church was fun. then there was salsa in the evening.. the turns are getting more and more difficult... but fun.

okay.. the next best thing coming up!!!

probably the best friday you'll ever have.
by invitation only.
happening: 13th june
at: Pan Pacific Hotel.